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NAME OF ACTIVITY: Sponge Bob Basketball GRADE LEVEL: 1-6 EQUIPMENT: 1 Ball per player HIGHLIGHTS: Dribbling skills, ball control INSTRUCTIONS:
I created this game from a game called enchanted forest. first
take a little time to discuss the characters from Sponge Bob (the good
guys, and the bad guys). I then select two students to be the bad
guys if their choice (these are the it's). During that time, the
other players select which good character they will be playing. All
the good characters have a ball and are line up at one end of the
gymnasium. The bad guys must start, without a ball, in the center of
the gym. I then introduce the bad guys, by name, to the rest of the
players. Then I have the bad guys pick a magic word that will force
the rest of the players to swim (dribble their basketball) to the other
end of the gym. When we have the word and the game is ready to
start, the good guys will start chanting "I'mm Readdy, I'mm Readdy".
When the bad guys say the magic word, all the players must try to dribble
to the other end and wait. In the meantime, the bad guys (jealous
because they do not have a ball) will try to steal or knock away balls
from the good characters. If a player loses control or has their
ball knocked away, they must: HELPFUL HINTS: While this sounds like a simple game, the kids love it.