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GRADE LEVEL: Any (must be able to add single digits), adaptable to older students by using Multiplication, division etc.

EQUIPMENT NEEDED: 1 die per every 4-5 students

HIGHLIGHTS: Small space activity, integrated addition or other math facts, any designated exercise.  

INSTRUCTIONS: Divide the class into groups of 4 or five per group.  Each group is given a die.  Each group will sit in a circle formation to allow for each player to take turns in tossing the die.  The object of the game is to be the first team to reach 33 points or above..  Following are the rules of the game:
     Each player in turn will roll the die.  The group will quickly add the number of the die and continue until they reach 33 or roll a six.  If a six is rolled, the team must perform the designated exercise before they continue.  After performing the exercise the group will then start again, but from 0. 
     The first group to make it to 33 or above will assume the dead ant position and chant "33", "33" etc.

HELPFUL HINTS: Space may determine what exercises you can use.  Players may walk, power walk, do jumping jacks, push-ups, crunches etc.  You imagination is you limit on the exercises.
     This game can be adapted to older players by using multiplication, subtraction etc.


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